But I do have a Hitler dartboard for you!
That's right, after the rousing success1 of the last Merchandising Week, I thought I'd return once more to the fray. For you!2
A Blog About Hitler Getting Punched.
From a Dutch friend of mine:"Kiele kiele kiele is some sound which has to do with tickling someone and is a bit childlike. So maybe "tickle, tickle, tickle" comes closest. De onvervulde droom van een onderduiker means the unfulfilled dream of a person in hiding. The first thing most Dutchies think about when they here the word "onderduiker" is that of the Jews during World War II."She also included a little dig at our beloved language:"You guys don't have a real word for "onderduiker"? Just "person in hiding", which doesn't really have the same feel to it..."But, having made such a wonderful contribution to the gallery of Hitler abuse, I guess the Dutch are entitled to insult us just this once.
Here's a bit of an explanation.
Insanity from Superman At Earth's End by Tom Veitch and Frank Gomez.
Thanks...I guess... to Olaf.
An invisible super-intelligent insect uses his brain radio to direct Allied war strategy, send morale to Allies, drives Hitler to Hell with his voice, and helps build the atomic bomb.Comics are awesome.
...And Daredevil Punching Hitler!
More joy from what I can only assume is Daredevil #1, with pencils by Charles Biro and inks by Bob Wood. Thanks to rcs and the Alibear, who both independently sent it from the Hitler Library, whose position on Hitler-Punching is still unclear to me.
What they wrote: The actions of the Social Democrats have pinched the Nazis (September 1932)
What happened: Before these laughable Socialist pliers could squeeze the National Socialist German Workers' Party, Hitler's hammer had destroyed the SPD.
Yeah, you might not want to brag about hammers...
Seriously, folks: I'm scanning my on-deck pictures for more pincer fun, but if you happen to find any, feel free to send them to HitlerPuncher @ gmail dot com.
It's the middle of the night outside of Berlin. Dr. Goebbels sleeps fitfully, as if he knows something mean is lurking in the woods outside. The window of his picturesque little cabin is open, nothing but the cold night air moving through. A strong breeze beats through the forrest, trees creaking. The man moving through the cloudy night casts no shadows, makes no noise. Minutes later, he's through the window and inside. No lubrication, just two strong arms and one very long glove.
When it's all over, the man vanishes into the night. A note is left on the floor: You just got served. - The U.S. Proctological Corps
What they wrote: Simplicissimus (a satirical magazine) suggested in January 1928 that the NSDAP would split so often that in the end only Hitler would be left.Of course, when all is said and done, it's a picture of Hitler hitting himself in the face with an axe. And that is good enough for me.
What happened: The NSDAP did not split, but Hitler was in fact left alone—but in an entirely different sense. Today in Germany there are no parties or party leaders other than Hitler.
Or better yet, "Take that, Axis!"
Oh, casual racism, why must you taint otherwise delightful anti-Hitler art?
Thanks to rcs, who discovered this here.
So, I saw a preview of Inglourious Basterds yesterday. I can't honestly say that it was technically a "Good" movie (in fact, in many ways it may be awful), but it almost seems to defy the description of "Good" or "Bad." I can say this: it was as close to watching HGP: The Motion Picture as I am ever likely to see.
So if you're the sort of person who likes that sort of thing, it's the sort of thing you'll like.
Thanks to rcs for the picture, which he found here.
Good job gentlemen.
And, like football (soccer to our friends in domestic lands), I suppose these English fellas couldn't play a German without a few penalty the face.
Thanks Olaf, for the submission. No art credits, sadly.
EDIT: Also, hearty thanks to Ali, whom I forgot also submitted this.