Monday, November 30, 2009
Here's a Post Label I Never Thought I'd Use Twice...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
So Long, From Alex Schomburg Week
I mean, unless you're saying goodbye to those Dirty Ratzis.
But it will be tough to say goodbye to Alex Schomburg Week. I'll miss his clean linework, his dedication to Hitler abuse, and most of all, his hidden Mussolinis (okay, there's no Mussolini in this one since it's from 1945, but Goering is pretty fat and slovenly and makes a fine surrogate).
But HGP will be back tomorrow with another fist to Hitler's face. See you there!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I Don't Think I Can Parse This

Bucky and Toro whup the hell out of the Axis leaders AND some sort of weird Buddhist-Hindu-Mayan fertility symbol in Young Allies #9.
Friday, November 27, 2009
I Wouldn't Do That If I Were You...

The Black Terror, Doc Strange, American Eagle, and Pyroman are about to give Hitler a Stern Punching To in America's Best Comics #7. Art is once again by the legendary Alex Schomburg.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Reasons To Thankful, Part 3.
But I'm especially thankful for Hitler abuse. Which means, this week, I am thankful for Alex Schomburg. And The Fighting Yank:
Except Hitler. Screw that guy.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I Think I Have An Inadvertent Theme
So welcome to my ad hoc Alex Schomburg Week!
Also, is anyone else creeped out by Captain Freedom's lack of pants?
Olaf sort of tipped me off to a site that had a part of this cover on it, but I did some research to find the whole one. He gets partial credit today.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Taking the Pranking One Step Farther...
Those wacky scamps. Note the creepy symbolism of Mussolini hiding under the bed like someone caught in flagrante delicto, and try not to note the standard casual racism.
The Cubs cause calamity in Thrilling Comics #41, with art by the legendary Alex Schomburg.
I discovered this at the same place I found yesterday's entry.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cap and Bucky's Advice On Work

I discovered this little bit of joy here, which coincidentally gave me a name check as well. At least I think they Italian is not the best.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Let's Just Assume This Is Hitler

Subby drops the bomb on (possibly) Adolf in Sub-Mariner #1, with cover art by Marcos Martin
Friday, November 20, 2009
Introducing the Victory Boys!

- A team of young boys,
- Dressed in embarrassing tights,
- Recklessly endangering themselves,
- To attack Hitler, who is in cahoots with,
- A racist caricature of (I guess) Tojo, as well as,
- An equally racist caricature of what I assume is Mussolini,
- Who have apparently captured Winston Churchill (or a wax model thereof),
- And are making him sign a peace treaty,
- In what appears to be a 15th century Donjon,
- With a skull candle holder on the desk.
- Also, a swastika is being set on fire.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night...
Most scholars agree that the turning point in the war was when Hitler foolishly invaded Detroit Rock City, thus dragging the KISS ArmyTM into the conflict.
Thanks to Olaf for creating this masterpiece, whose red pixels contain trace amounts of REAL BLOOD FROM THE MEMBERS OF KISS!1
- May not be true.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"Did You Invade My Poland? Did You?"

Always a professional, that guy.
Of course, he did it all for these:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Postcard Week? Not Really.
I thank the HGP Auxiliary Corps for their support, and remind everyone:

Monday, November 16, 2009
More Monday Monkey?
Front of card is marked, "D.R. & CO.". Back of card is marked, "SLAM THE AXIS" POST CARD. Copyrighted 1943. D. ROBBINS & CO. N.Y.C." In the upper left corner, "FOR VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS".
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Well, This Is Suggestive...
I don't know what rcs was looking for when he found this here, but ostensibly this is the sales description:
WWII Anti- Hitler V-1 WARNING SIREN SURPRISE Toy, circa 1944. Apprx. 4"x3"x1" multicolor litho cardboard box with great Hitler graphics; no instructions, pieces here include two small wooden items which resemble a "pipe" and a "chair" - see pics. Object of game seems to be to shoot V-1 bombs into Hitler's gaping pie-hole. Nice and colorful box graphics referring to Warning Sirens and the V-1.
Well, I know I'm surprised...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's Raturday!
I can only assume this Anti-Hitler rat is some sort of explosive, with the tail acting as a fuze. Because I assume everything is some sort of explosive.
Another rcs joint, found here.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Are You Superstitious?

This artwork was apparently by the American artist Paul F. Berdanier. rcs discovered it at this now defunct eBay auction.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I May Be On Vacation...

I'd apologize for that awful pun, but I'm on vacation. What do you expect?
The Warbond Killmobile flattens the Axis in Target Comics Vol. 3, #8, with art by John Jordan.
Thanks to Olaf.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Adolf's Inferno, Canto II
Original anti-Hitler art by Boris Artzybasheff.
Submitted by rcs.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Adolf's Inferno, Canto I
Aloha, jerks.
Hitler and company get the Dante treatment courtesy of Supersnipe #8, by George Marcoux.
I got this picture courtesy of Olaf.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday Monkey is Working For the Weekend!
Still, we always have today...
Per this link, this is a:
Poster promoting the Allied cause in World War II and ridiculing German chancellor Adolf Hitler, 1943. J. H. King, with stated 1943 copyright.
Thanks to rcs for the tip-off.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Punched & Rolled
Per this link: "This image of Hitler being punched is brought to you by the Golden Age Blue Beetle issue 14. This is from a short story featuring V-Man."
Thanks to Olaf.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Congratulations to the Lesser of Two Evils!

Original Hitler Punching art courtesy of Neil, who adds "Something for both the Jeter haters and lovers. And people who laugh at Hitler for being too dumb to go to Jeter's left."
If you would like to contribute your own original Hitler Punching art, please submit to HitlerPuncher AT gmail DOT com. You'll be glad you did. And so will I - after 7 months of nonstop Hitler abuse, my reserve pile of Hitler pics is finally shrinking.
Friday, November 6, 2009
My Vacation Starts Today!

Thanks to Gene for the image.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My New Get Rich Quick Scheme...

...and blog about my attempt to make every recipe. As soon as I get the movie deal (with the part of "Wolter" being played by the enchanting Amy Adams), I'm set.
Olaf submitted this, which he found here.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Official HGP Envelope

Thanks to rcs for the pic, which he found here. And hey, if you want to buy it for me...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Triumphant Return of Human Torch...
Though I am a fan of Captain America punching Hitler, one has to admire the flair that Torchie puts into it. Cap would have just busted though the bars and made a beeline to Adolf; Torch takes the time to burn a few swastika flags on the way in. Sauve.
Torch and Subby put the knuckle to the Nazis in Marvel Mystery Comics #37, with art by Syd Shores.
Thanks to Olaf.
Monday, November 2, 2009
You Know What Really Grinds Hitler's Gears?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hey, Indiana Jones...

Citizen V suckerpunches Der Fuhrer in Daring Mystery Comics #8. I'm not sure who the artist is, as the link I was sent is in French. I'm lucky to gather any background circumstances at all.
Thanks to Olaf.